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Joana Sabino Pinto
Dr. rer. nat.
Our Group.
I don't do anything alone, and all my projects have benefited from the participation of many students and volunteers! Meet them here.
Former members
Henk van der Maulen - 2023, master student
Henrieke te Brake - 2021-2023, volunteer and intern
moved on to do a MSc at the University of Wageningen
Rosan Favot - 2022, master student
Anne Desreveaux - 2021-2022, master student
moved on to the Young Graduate Traineeship at Luminus
Valeria Simeonova - 2022, bachelor student
Adele Bonnet - 2022, bachelor student
Vasiliki Mantzana Oikonomaki - 2021-2022, master student
moved on to do her PhD at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Mees vand der Donk - 2020, volunteer
moved on to the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the Netherlands
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