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Peer reviewed articles







Zumkeller, C., Bletz, M.C., Rakotoarison, A., Sabino-Pinto, J., Reiter, S., Spohn, M., Schwengers, O., Goesmann, A., Vences, M., Mihajlovic, S., Schäberle, T. (accepted). Draft Genome Sequences of 21 Pedobacter strains isolated from amphibian specimens. Microbiology Resource Announcements.


Vences, M., Anslan, S., Sabino-Pinto, J., Bonilla-Flores, M., Echeverría-Galindo, P., John, U., Nass, B., Perez, L., Preick, M., Zhou, L., Schwalb, A. (2024). Dataset from RNAseq analysis of differential gene expression among developmental stages of two non-marine ostracods. Data in Brief 110070 (HTML).


Mantzana-Oikonomaki, V., Desreveaux, A., Preissler, K., Maan, M.E., Spitzen-van der Sluijs, A., Sabino-Pinto, J. (2024). First record of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in northern Netherlands. Journal of Parasitology, 110: 11-16 (HTML).




Santos, B., Martins, F.M.S., Sabino-Pinto, J., Licata, F., Crottini, A. (2023). Skin and gut microbiomes of tadpoles vary differently with host and water environment: a short-term experiment using 16S metabarcoding. Scientific Reports, 13: 16321 (HTML).


Rancilhac, L., Sylvestre, F., Hutter, C.R., Arntzen, J.W., Babik, W., Crochet, P.-A., Deso, G., Duguet, R., Galan, P., Pabijan, M., Policain, M., Priol, P., Sabino-Pinto, J., Capstick, M., Elmer, K.R., Dufresnes, C., Vences, M. (2023). Exploring the impact of read clustering thresholds on RADseq-based systematics: an empirical example from European amphibians. BioRvix (HTML).




Hazard, Q.C.K., Sabino-Pinto, J., López-Baucells, A., Farneda, F.Z., Meyer, C.F.J., Rocha, R. (2022). Reproductive phenologies of phyllostomid bats in the Central Amazon. Mammalian Biology. (HTML).




Woodhams, D., Madison, J., Bletz, M.C., McCartney, J., LaBumbard, B., Whetstone, R., McDonnell, N.B., Preißler, K., Sabino-Pinto, J., Piovia-Scott Cocca, J. (2021). Responsible biosecurity and risk mitigation for laboratory research on emerging pathogens of amphibians. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 147: 141-148. (HTML).


Mantzana-Oikonomaki, V., Maan, M., Sabino-Pinto, J. (2021). Wildlife pathogen detection: evaluation of alternative DNA extraction protocols. Biology Methods and Protocols, 6(1): bpab018. (HTML).


Santos, B., Bletz, M., Sabino-Pinto, J., Cocca, W., Francois, J., Freeman, K.L.M., Kuenzel, S., Ndriantsoa, S., Noel, J., Rakotonanahary, T., Vences, M., Crottini, A. (2021). Characterization of the microbiome of the invasive Asian toad in Madagascar across the expansion range and comparison with a native co-occurring species. PeerJ, 9: e11532. (HTML).




Schulz, V., Schulz, V., Klamke, M., Preissler, K., Sabino-Pinto, J., Müsken, M., Schlüpmann, M., Heldt, L., Kamprad, F., Enss, J., Schweinsberg, M., Virgo, J., Rau, H., Veith, M., Lötters, S., Wagner, N., Steinfartz, S., Vences, M. (2020). Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in the Ruhr District, Germany: history, distribution, decline dynamics and disease symptoms of the salamander plague. Salamandra, 56(3): 189-214. (PDF).


Sachs, M., Schluckebier, R., Poll, K., Schulz, V., Sabino-Pinto, J., Schmidt, E., Simon, K., Künzel, S., Ziegler, T., Arndt, H., Vences, M. (2019). Evidence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and other amphibian parasites in the Green toad (Bufotes viridis), syntopic amphibians and environment in the Cologne Bay, Germany. Salamandra, 56(3): 257-284. (PDF).




Sabino-Pinto, J., Goedbloed, D., Sanchez, E., Czypionka, T., Nolte, A., Steinfartz, S. (2019). The role of plasticity and adaptation in the incipient speciation of a fire salamander population. Genes, 10(11): 875. (HTML).


Sabino-Pinto, J., Rakotoarison, A., Bletz, M.C., Edmonds, D., Glaw, F., Vences, M. (2019). A new species of the Spinomantis bertini species complex (Anura: Mantellidae) from Pic d’Ivohibe Special Reserve (Madagascar). Zootaxa, 4656(1): 133-142. 


Sabino-Pinto, J., Martel, A., Pasmans, F, Steinfartz, S., Vences, M. (2019). Pooling skin swabs does not inhibit qPCR detection of amphibian chytrid infection. PloS one, 14(4): e0214405. (HTML).


Sabino-Pinto, J., Krause, E.T., Bletz, M.C., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Steinfartz, S., Vences, M. (2018). Detectability vs. time and costs in pooled DNA extraction of cutaneous swabs: a study on the amphibian chytrid fungi. Amphibia-Reptilia, 40(1): 29-39. (PDF).




Lötters, S., Wagner, N., Kerres, A., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S., Sabino-Pinto, J., Seufer, L., Preissler, K., Schulz, V., Veith, M. (2018). First report of host co-infection of parasitic amphibian chytrid fungi. Salamandra, 54(4): 287-290. (PDF).


Bletz, M.C., Kelly, M., Sabino-Pinto, J., Bales, E., Praet, S.V., Bert, W., Boyen, F., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S., Martel, A., Pasmans, F.  (2018). Disruption of skin microbiota contributes to salamander disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285(1885). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.0758. (HTML).


Sabino-Pinto, J., Veith, M., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S. (2018). Asymptomatic infection of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in captivity. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 11767. (HTML).


Dalbeck, L., Düssel-Siebert, H., Kerres, A., Kirst, K., Koch, A., Lötters, S., Ohlhoff, D., Sabino-Pinto, J., Preißler, K., Schulte, U., Schulz, V., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M., Vences, M., Wagner, N., Wegge, J. (2018). Die Salamanderpest und ihr Erreger Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal): aktueller Stand in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, 25: 1-22. (PDF).




Sabino-Pinto, J., Galán, P., Rodríguez, S., Bletz, M.C., Bhuju, S., Geffers, R., Jarek, M., Vences, M. (2017). Temporal changes in cutaneous bacterial communities of terrestrial and aquatic phases of newts (Amphibia). Environmental Microbiology (early view). (HTML)


Bletz, M.C., Vences, M., Sabino-Pinto, J., Taguchi, Y., Shimizu, N., Nishikawa, K., Kurabayashi, A. (2017). Cutaneous microbiota of the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus), a representative of an ancient amphibian clade. Hydrobiologia 795(1): 153-167. (HTML)


Sabino-Pinto, J., Bletz, M.C., Iturriaga, M., Vences, M., Rodríguez, A. (2017). Low infection prevalence of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Chytridiomycetes: Rhizophydiales) in Cuba. Amphibia-Reptilia, 38(1): 1-7. (HTML)


Rosa, M.G., Sabino-Pinto, J., Laurentino, T.G., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Rebelo, R., Griffiths, R.A., Bosch, J., Stöhr, A., Marschang, R., Price, S., Garner, T., Bosch, J. (2017). Impact of asynchronous emergence of two lethal pathogens on amphibian assemblages. Scientific Reports, 7: 43260. (HTML)




Sabino-Pinto, J., Bletz, M., Islam, M.M., Shimizu, N., Bhuju, S., Geffers, R., Jarek, M., Kurabayashi, A., Vences, M. (2016). Composition of the cutaneous bacterial community in Japanese amphibians: effects of captivity, host species, and body region. Microbial Ecology 72(2): 460-469. (HTML)


Spitzen-van der Sluijs, A., Martel, A., Asselberghs, J., Bales, E., Beukema, W., Bletz, M., Dalbeck, L., Goverse, E., Kerres, A., Kinet, T., Kirst, K., Laudelout, A., Marin da Fonte, L., Nöllert, A., Ohlhoff, D., Sabino-Pinto, J., Schmidt, B.R., Speybroeck, J., Spikmans, F., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M. Vences, M., Wagner, N., Pasmans, F., Lötters, S. (2016). Expanding distribution of lethal amphibian fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 22(7): 1286-1288. (HTML)


up to 2015


Sabino-Pinto, J., Bletz, M., Hendrix, R., Perl, R.B., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Lötters, S., Mutschmann, F., Schmeller, D., Schmidt, B.R., Veith, M., Wagner, N., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S. (2015). First detection of the emerging fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Germany. Amphibia-Reptilia, 36(4): 411-416. (HTML)


Rosa, M.G., Sabino-Pinto, J., Noël, J., Andreone, F. (2014). Predation on the treefrog Boophis rufioculis (Anura: Mantellidae) by the freshwater crab Hydrothelphusa sp. (Decapoda, Potamonautidae) in Madagascar. Crustaceana, 87(7): 890-894. (PDF)


Sabino-Pinto, J., Mayerl, C.J., Meilink, W.R.M., Grasso, D., Raaijmakers, C.B., Russo, V.G., Segal, M., Stegen, G., Clegg, J., Srikanthan, A.N., Glaw, F., Vences, M. (2014). Descriptions of the advertisement calls of three sympatric frog species in the subgenus Vatomantis (genus Gephyromantis) from Madagascar. Herpetology Notes, 7: 67-73. (PDF)


Meilink, W.R.M., Clegg, J.R., Mayerl, C.J., Sabino-Pinto, J., Grasso, D., Stegen, G., Segal, M., Kok, P.J.R. (2013). Confirmation of the presence of the sphaerodactylid lizard Gonatodes vittatus in Guyana, and an indication of a reproductively active population in Georgetown. Salamandra, 49(1): 59-62. (PDF)





Oral presentations


Sabino-Pinto, J. (2nd October 2023). The frog pandemic: omics, microbiology, and ecology. Invited speaker, Netherlands Institute for Ecology, Wageningen, the Netherlands.


Sabino-Pinto, J. (29th September 2023). Guardians of the frogs: How research informs conservation. Invited speaker, European Researchers Night, Groningen, the Netherlands.


Sabino-Pinto, J. (16th May 2023). The role of MHC-mediated sexual selection in the evolution of disease resistance. NLSEB, Ede, the Netherlands.


Sabino-Pinto, J. (9th January 2020). Plasticity allows colonization, and adaptation leads to incipient speciation in a fire salamander population. 9th World Congress of Herpetology, Dunedin, New Zealand.


Sabino-Pinto, J. (5th June 2019). Fungus, frogs and MHC: the role of sexual selection in the evolution of disease resistance. Invited Speaker, Evolutionary Genetics, Development and Behaviour Seminar, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.


Sabino-Pinto, J. (27th March 2019). Deadly and beneficial roles of microbes in amphibians: from detection methods to host responses to the pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, with insights into cutaneous microbiota. Invited Speaker, Department of Biology Seminar, U. Mass, Boston, USA.


Sabino-Pinto, J., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S. (18th-19th November 2017). Asymptomatic presence of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in captivity. Amphibian Disease Meeting, Arizona, USA.


Sabino-Pinto, J., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S. (18th-22nd September 201). Screening of the fungal pathogens Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and B. salamandrivorans (Bsal) in captivity indicates asymptomatic infections and cleasrence of Bsal through heat treatments. 19th SEH European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, Austria.


Sabino-Pinto, J., Bletz, M., Islam, M.M., Shimizu, N., Bhuju, S., Geffers, R., Jarek, M., Kurabayashi, A., Vences, M. (15th – 21st August 2017). Composition of the cutaneous bacterial community in Japanese amphibians: effects of captivity, host species, and body region. 8th World Congress of Herpetology, Hangzhou, China.


Sabino-Pinto, J.; Rosa, G.M.; Laurentino, T.G.; Martel, A.; Pasmans, F.; Duarte, A.; Berbert, I.; Rebelo, R. (17th -18th December 2014). Role of age on the pattern of infection by Ranavirus in mountain populations of Bosca's newt, Lissotriton boscai. 1st junior researchers meeting, Center of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes. Lisbon, Portugal.








Sabino-Pinto, J. (June 2023). Fugus, Frogs and MHC: the role of sexual selection in the evolution of disease resistance. GELIFES meeting. Haren, NL.


Sabino-Pinto, J., Pen, I., Maan, M. (August 2022). Sexual selection and the evolution of disease resistance: a case study in amphibians. ESEB meeting. Prague, CZ.


Sabino-Pinto, J., Pen, I., Maan, M. (April 2022). Sexual selection and the evolution of disease resistance: a case study in amphibians. NLSEB meeting. Ede, NL.


Sabino-Pinto, J., Laurentino, T.G., Berbert, I., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Bosch, J., Rebelo, R., Griffiths, R.A., Rosa, G.M. (April 2015). Sex-biased patterns of mortality caused by ranavirosis: Can host phenology explain it? 4th Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium. Cambrige, UK.






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